February 26, 2009

Language Revolution

Check it! I met with my companera Lorena today, and we learned two languages worth of past tense in 40 minutes, with perfect pronunciation to boot.

El martes por la manana me levante a las nueve y cuarto. Te busque pero no te vi, entonces te envie un email y te pregunte si querias encontrarte conmigo el Jueves.

I can do it in second and third person, too. There was context, there was listening, there was speaking, there was patient practice, there was a memory game...it was totally painless. Language exchange = revolution.


  1. why can't they use these techniques in conventional schools? it's brilliant...

  2. I know! We all suffered so much in language classes in school, for nothing. If you and I move to Montreal, we can find language exchange buddies for sure.


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