A bus dropped 20 American girls at the university yesterday and the boys were already waiting on the beach. The sun set before the girls finished orientation, so the boys walked home. They reappeared yesterday with frisbees and soccer balls, but the mugginess kept the students inside checking Facebook. Finally, last night, the two groups swam through each other. I was at Polo's early, so I saw the whole scene unfold.
The girls wear tank tops and order drinks with sugar cane and lime. They don't speak Spanish, so they wait until the boys dart in with English questions. The music's loud in Polo's, so everyone leans in. When the girls get tired and wander back to their home-stays, the boys circle on the curb in front of the bar and discuss. The girls are here for three months, which is long enough to start something.
Doesn't the term make you laugh? It's the best thing I've heard since I got here. It's demeaning to both parties and a little bit malicious. Mmm... language.
It all makes me smile.