Touching intimate parts: the implications of early modern German men-midwives touching their patients
What motivates rugby players to continue competing
The role of headphones in the sonic constitution and social negotiation of space
Indigenous perspectives on teaching yoga
You are here: in pursuit of a literature of the Canadian mall
Important factors in the desert fathers’ withdrawal to the desert
Eight hours drive from anywhere: a geographic occupational study of clasical musicians in Thunder Bay, Ontario
Female romantic jealousy and extra-pair desire across the menstrual cycle
Creating community in medieval Aragon
Meanings of masculinity in the Fort Simpson fur trade, 1834-1887
Bad sex objects
A deleuzian ontology of Christ
*Each got $17,500 from SSHRC in 08-09. If they won, then surely this will:
Press here: Indigenous fathers’ geographic occupational perspectices on what motivates struggling writers from medieval Aragon and present day Fort Simpson to withdraw and touch themselves across the menstrual cycle in a negotiation of space, masculinity, and ontology.
Wow, my opinion of the SSHRC just decreased substantially. Although I've been told that grades and faculty support are very heavily weighted anyway. But still, "Eight hours drive..." come on!? It has a spelling mistake in the title!!! I guess that is why the Harper government introduced special $50,000 SSHRCs for business-relevant research.
ReplyDelete$17k to research bad sex objects? The N'SYNC discography costs $75. Where'd the other $16,925 go?