My mind evaporated at some point and left a salt plain of Zen. Now there are fewer thoughts, but they are stronger. For example, I can see why in two months I haven't cried, shouted, complained at length, or displayed any other signs of culture shock or homesickness. It's not the wildlife or the relaxed schedule, though those help, but rather the acquaintances and friends who emerged from the start, both gringo and local.
Yesterday, right after David took this photo of me, he and I went to the beautiful Puerto Chino beach with his sister Belen, Belen's son Franco, Belen's boyfriend Jorge, our friend Andres, and my best girl friend here, Josefhin. Franco sat on my lap when we drove back across the island at sunset, cruising through the dewy highlands with the windows open. Franco pointed out vacas and I thought about how easily the day had flowed through my fingers without a book or a phone or an iPod or any other things. The friends were the only necessity.
And, speaking of friends, I have two special ones on their way from Canada. Estoy esperando, chicos.
chicos = sd+md?