shi haja...
shi haja...
I wanted to say "basic." "Something...basic." Oh, what is the word? Sahal means "easy," but that's not what I want. Screw it.
shi haja...basit.
Fatima and I said the word in unison. But I said "simple" in Turkish and she said "simple" in Arabic. It was like magic. These cognates really do make my world go round.
Turkish / Arabic
nadiren (rarely) / nadiran (rarely) نادرا
şikayat etmek (to complain) / shakwat (complaint) شكوة
vakit (time) / waqt (time) وقت
maalesef (unfortunately) / maalesef (unfortunately) مع الأسف
mutfak (kitchen) / matbakh (kitchen) مطبخ
kahve (coffee) / qahwa (coffee) القهوة
ziyaret (visit) / ziyarat (visit) زيارة
fikir (idea) / fikra (idea) فكرة
meşgul (busy) / mashghul (busy) مشغول
nice list
ReplyDeletehow many words would you say are in common in the 2 languages?
are there any grammar points similar?
There are quite a few silimilarities between Turkish and Egyptian Arabia dialect, though most are loan words from Romance languages, otobüs/otobis, montaj/montaj, asansör/ansanser, fatura/fatura, hesab/hesab, marhaba/marhaba. Basha (pasha) and bey are also common honorifics in Egyptian Arabic and come from Turkish.