January 13, 2010


On Christmas Eve day, I drove with four strangers from Girona to Paris. They laughed at me when we crossed the border from Spain to France, because I reached for my passport. Had I taken the train, I would have been forced to travel at night, and I would have missed the scenery, not to mention the French immersion experience.

un Clio noir (a black Clio)
j'ai decouvert (I discovered)
en trein (in the process of)
rentrer/retourner (to come back)
moins cher (less expensive)
le région (the region)
ça fait trois mois (it's been three months)
en fait (in fact)
bourré (drunk)
prepare-toi (prepare yourself)
trés haut (very high)
viaduc! (viaduct!)
impressionant (impressive)
une falaise (a cliff)
requien (shark)
l'autostop (truck stop)
le trajet (the trip)
un truc (a thing)
dessiner (to draw)
les paroles (the lyrics)
á doite/ á gauche (to the right/ to the left)
putain! (fuck!)

It was all thanks to the French website for carpooling with strangers and some roughly hewn French emails. Language opens doors they say; even car doors. Emmanuelle, the driver, left the first opinion on my website profile:

Joyeux Noel! Super trajet, on a bien rigolé! Mary a plein de choses a raconter ! Yihaaa


  1. Did it make you miss your old Montreal buddies? Putain!

  2. Of course! Life dream #16 is to speak like a born and raised Quebecois.


Yay for comments! Nothing mean please, and that means you, Anonymous.