This new you is creepy.
How's the body? I know when I've wiped out on my bike, adrenaline gets me to where I need to be then a few hours starts to ache.
Did u put up porters for tandem lang. learning? if so, awesome and if not then we need to break some knee caps.
Hahahah. Sharmuta.
Um who is this? And i don't get pics
Yo yo homie? What good? I just got out da can and lookin 4 sum shorties. U down?
Amazing news so call home!
I'm glad that was g rated because I sent it to your mom first
Can type although im camless and my mother is sleeping in the next room. :)
Agreed. Meeting. Ugh.
We will drink Turkish coffee and everything..
Ridden? Rode? Oh god. English.
A date?!?! Gasp!
WHAAAAA? Where'd you find snow shoes from?
Hey doo you jabbed held?
Oh mah god so hot a canadian text MASSAGE
Happy * day
You are quite pretty, you know